
Friday, February 17, 2012

White Sangria with Summer Stone Fruits

Have you looked outside today? This weekend looks sunny and amazing!

I'm trying really hard to refrain from bagging on the summer we've had (I think I've done that rant to death). So instead I'll inspire you about enjoying the sun we have now!

White sangria was an amazing revellation for me, which I first came across here. It's fresh, summery, with all the deliciousness of red sangria. But with white sangria you can keep the flavours much more simple and lively. Can you imagine sipping the flavours of summer in the sun on a hot Saturday afternoon?

This recipe blends the flavours of lemon, grape, apple and peach. But the beauty of this kind of recipe is that it can be tailored perfectly to your own tastes; it can be highly, moderately, or (heaven forbid) non-alcoholic. Don't like peaches? Fine! Switch it with necatrines, plums, or oranges!

The recipe below made me two large pitchers of sangria - enough to share. The sangria is deliciously dangerous on it's own. But you're supposed to top it up with soda water when you serve, which is also very good for your tastebuds, not to mention better for your liver. Just make sure you make it at least two hours ahead, so the flavours can all marinate together, and the sangria can chill down nicely.

White Sangria with Summer Stone Fruits (Makes two large pitchers full)

1 bottle dry white - a Sav or Chardonnay will work nicely, or a dry-ish pinot gris. A not-too-sweet sparkling wine would probably be good too!
1/2 cup Vodka (or more if you're feeling dangerous)
1/3c sugar
1 lemon, sliced
2 large ripe summer stone fruits, cut into wedges - I used peaches, but necatrines or plums would be great too. Adjust the quantities as required
1 ripe green apple seeded and cut into wedges
1c grapes, sliced in half
1/2 cup white grape juice (I found some peach flavoured sparkling grape juice, which was just dandy)
Sparkling soda water, for topping off glasses of sangria at table

Pour the wine and vodka into a large bowl and add the sugar. Stir gently until the sugar dissolves.

Add the lemon, peaches, apples, grapes, and grape juice, and stir to combine.

Divide the fruit into the two pitchers, and then pour over the sangria. If you don't have two pitchers, a punch bowl (or chilly bin/esky) will be just as good.

Put into the fridge to cool for at least a few hours.

When you're ready to serve, add some ice cubes to a glass. Half fill with sangria and fruit, and then top up with soda water.

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