
Monday, March 19, 2012

Autumn Spice Roasted Plums and Rhubarb


Did you miss me?

Sorry for being a bit MIA lately. 31 March is just around the corner, and that's a pretty big landmark for us accountants.So between work and play, life as kind of run away from me lately.

But enough of the complaints!

You'd have scorned me for saying so on Saturday, but today Autumn arrived. I turned on the heatpump for the first time this evening, closed all the curtains, and have barricaded myself in a blanket cocoon. Overreacting? I'll never admit it!

What better way to warm up on a cold evening than with a dessert which marries the last of the summer stone fruit with wintery spices like cinnamon and cloves. Spoon over some greek yogurt or (if you're feeling decadent) mascarpone, and you've got heaven in a bowl.

Apologies for the photo quality - trying to blend blogging and an all too busy social life, these photos were taken late last night at a friend's place. In an effort I blame entirely on the fading summer and the dark evenings which have come our way, I had to resort to the food blogger's worst enemy - flash photography! Damn you summer! Why did you have to leave?

Autumn Spice Roasted Plums and Rhubarb (serves 3-4)

5 ripe plums, halved and stones removed
4 stalks of rhubarb, cut into 5cm lengths
2 whole cloves
1 cinnamon stick, snapped in half
3/4c brown sugar
1t mixed spice
Zest and juice of 1 orange
Optional: A good glug of liquour - brandy, amaretto, cointreau, or the like (I used some masala wine which was lurking at the back of the liquor cupboard)
Greek yogurt or mascarpone to serve

Pre-heat the oven to 180C.

Place the plums and rhubarb in a baking dish big enough to snugly hold them in one layer. Toss in the cloves and cinnamon sticks.  Combine the brown sugar, mixed spice, and orange zest in a bowl or mug, and sprinkle over the plums. Douse with the orange juice and liquor (if using).

Pop the dish into the oven for 15-20 minutes, or until the fruit is cooked but still firm.

Dish up with a dollop of greek yogurt or mascarpone.


  1. OK, a recipe like this is just about enough for me to be ready to accept autumn. Thank You.

    1. Thanks Sue! I'm sure you could make good use of your delicious figs in something similar - do you have any on the go at the moment?
