
Tuesday, November 6, 2012


I have made it.

Through the woods of PAS-dom and into the glorious light of FREE-dom! Now it's just a matter of getting my marks back and hoping to god that I passed.

That is no small matter, mind you. This was no ordinary exam. The easiest way I can think of explaining it, is to think about sitting an 8 hour exam. That seems like a big deal, right? It's a long time for your brain to engage.

Now imagine sitting an 8 hour exam, but only having 6 hours.


Suddenly your whole perception of life priorities goes out the window (along with your sanity and general wellbeing). Toilet breaks? An unnecessary luxury. As was eating. And considering the past month I had been getting up at 5am to get extra study in, I think we can count a well rested body out of the equation too.

So by the end of that little ordeal, I was ready for a drink or ten. I probably didn't need ten, considering how little sleep, food, and water I'd had. But that's never stopped me before, and it sure as hell wasn't going to on that particular day.

And to make my celebrations that much merrier, Matt gave me my post-PAS present when we finally stumbled home (picture me tearing wrapping paper off the thing with all the excitment of a sugar-frenzied 6 year old at Christmas). What was my present, you ask?


A gleaming, pistachio-green Kitchen Aid mixer. It was everything I'd always dreamed of, and more (excuse the emotional hysteria, it's been a very long year!). The good man knew exactly what I wanted, right down to the colour. I had walked past this mixer in the window of Kirks every day for the past year, on my way to work. And when it disappeared a month ago, my heart died just a little bit. But little did I know, it was already mine - Matt managed to get the very last one in that colour, out of the window. Somehow, it was meant to be.

Watch this space. I can feel a baking binge coming on...!


  1. Lucky YOU! What a gorgeous present. I'm sure you'll have years of fun with that. Love the colour too.

    1. Thanks Sue! That's the idea - a present to last a lifetime :)
