
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Anzac Day Brunch: Folded Eggs

It's been a little insane around these parts lately - trying to fit in work, a huge amount of study for PAS, and a social life. There just aren't enough hours in the week!

This is where the challenge of keeping this blog active this year is going to hit me. But I'm determined - cooking and writing keep me sane.

So a mid-week holiday was a welcome addition to my work week. We started the day with a neighbourly brunch of folded eggs. You're probably wondering why the hell I'm posting about something as simple as scrambled eggs. But it takes a bit of skill to turn eggs into these silky, soft waves of deliciousness. 

This has become my absolute favourite way of scrambling eggs - they get this velvety, silky soft texture to them, which you just don't get using other methods.

The secrets are four fold: (Ha! Four fold!)
  1. Don't whisk them up too much - enough to break up the yolks and combine with the whites, but not until they are completely blended. You want a little colour difference in there.
  2. Use a low heat - you want them to cook slowly. Too fast and they'll dry out.
  3. Gently gently is they way with these bad boys. Treat them gently, only stirring them slowly when needed. Just push them around gently from time to time, kind of like an omelette. 
  4. Take them off the heat before they are completely cooked through - they'll continue to cook slightly and 'set' between the stove and the table.
Serve with a super crusty bread, and choose something with flavour. I served mine with a rye loaf I made that morning.

Folded Eggs (Serves 4)

8 eggs (2 per person)
3/4 c of milk or cream (a bit less than 1/4c per person)
Small bunch of herbs of your choice - I used some chives I had in the fridge. But basil, parsley, or tarragon are all fantastic options.
25g butter
Salt and pepper
Lightly toasted crusty bread to serve

Put a medium sized pan onto a low heat. If you have a good non-stick one use that. I just used a hospo-quality steel pan. Pop the butter into the pan and let it melt slowly. 

While the butter is melting, whisk the eggs and milk in a bowl until not quite completely combined. You want a few traces of egg white amidst the yellow. Add the herbs and season with salt and pepper. Stir through.

When the butter has melted, pour in the eggs. Let it simmer on a low heat. As the bottom sets, very gently push the cooked egg towards the middle of the pan, and let the runny egg from the top hit the bottom of the pan. Don't break up the cooked egg too much if you can help it.

When most of the egg has set, but there's a little runny egg on the top, turn off the heat. The remaining egg will set while you put it on the table.

Serve on crusty bread, with more salt and pepper as needed.


  1. Those eggs look gooooood. I'm sitting here exhausted just thinking about the prospect of cooking dinner but you've reminded me how much I love scrambled eggs... sorted! Thanks! :)

  2. What a beautiful way to cook eggs. This might be our new sunday morning brunch!

    1. Thanks guys! Nothing quite beats the silky ribbons of perfectly scrambled eggs
