
Monday, May 7, 2012

Feijoa Almond Cake

Welcome to the season I affectionately refer to as "feijo-ya-in-yo-face".

Oh yes, It's so awesome, it's in yo FACE awesome.

The name comes from a long line of tradition, one which I do not alone share, of gorging one's self on feijoas at this time of year. Not mine alone, but one which I embrace like no other.

I have been known devour an entire shopping bag of these green beauties in one sitting. No lies. Now you see the true glory of feijo-ya-in-yo-face season.

This is by no means a pretty cake, but is absolutely one of my favourite things to make when these delicious fruit escape my fruitful rampage (ha! Fruitful! What a delicious pun). The feijoas make it all moist and delicious, like an apple or plum cake, and the sour cream in the batter brings out the sweet-sour tang of the feijoas.

Serve with greek yogurt.

Feijoa Almond Cake

400-500g feijoa flesh, halves if possible. Took me 11 medium feijoas this time around, although the number does tend to vary depending on the size of the fruit
125g butter, softened
1c white sugar
2 eggs
1/2t almond essence
1 1/3c all purpose flour
2t baking powder
A good pinch of salt
1t cinnamon
1/4t ground ginger
30g ground almonds
250g sour cream

Greek yogurt to serve

Start by heating the oven to 180C. Line the base of a cake tin with baking paper, and grease and flour the sides of the tin.

Cream the softened butter and the sugar until light and fluffy. Add the eggs one at a time, beating well between each addition. Add the almond essence, and stir to combine.

Sift the flour, baking powder, salt and spices over the creamed butter mixture. Add the ground almonds and sour cream. Stir gently until combined.

Pour the batter into the prepared cake tin. Arrange the feijoa halves in a single layer on top, pushing them into the batter (but not covering them).

Pop into the oven and bake for 50 minutes - 1 hour, or until a skewer inserted into the middle comes out clean.


  1. Lovely cake....I like a little feijoa but just couldn't get through a whole bag...they are quite a polarising little fruit.

  2. Definitely in Yo Face Feijoa, love it!! Made it for the folks at work last night and it's gone down a treat this morning!
    Enjoying your blog, it's awesome.

  3. Oh I am drooling. Wish there were feijoas up here. In fact I wish there were any fruit trees! Bring on cranberry picking season. I imagine this cake would work just fine with cranberries in replacement!

  4. This is gorgeous! When I make this cake I agree it's pretty unattractive, but a little icing sugar through a sieve makes a huge difference and works wonders. It's also great with black doris plums when feijo-ya-in-yo-face season ends :)

    1. Yes! And with Apricots - Almond and Apricot go beautifully together!

    2. Peeled or unpeeled feijoas?
